Bespoke Cashmere Wool Blankets, for ease in this policy, we will refer to the business as BCWB, is committed to respecting your privacy when you submit personal data to us on our website. This privacy policy describes how BCWB will use the personal data collected through the use of this website. Your privacy is very important to us and we endeavour to act properly and correctly with the information that you share with us.

This privacy policy provides you with information on how we at BCWB collect and process your personal data through the use of our website. It also gives details of any third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information, your rights under law and it also provides you with details of how to contact us for further information in this regard. We want you to feel comfortable when purchasing from us.

This policy also covers all personal information that we will collect and process on the basis that you are now or you are acting on behalf of, a customer, a past customer or a future customer of BCWB.

We do like most people, prefer tea and cookies, we love a Nesspresso and a Fortnum’s biscuit but of course, not everything in life is this simple, so this policy has been created to explain which cookies we use on our website, a long with why and how we use them. We would suggest having tea and cookies when reading this policy.

We hope that the Policy will make everything clear to you and provide you with reassurance about how much importance we place on the use of your data but If you have any questions about the way in which your information is being collected, used or processed which you feel are simply not covered by our Policy ,then please contact us using our Contact Us form and we will do our best to answer any questions that you have which are not answered by this privacy policy. A good experience is at the heart of our selling and you being confident and informed about our a privacy Policy is central to this.

The collecting and processing of your personal data and why it matters. Here at BCWB:

We collect and process personal data when you are shopping on our website, we do this because we simply may not be able to provide the services you need if we do not collect and process your personal information but we have your privacy at the heart of this process.

We collect and process the personal data that comes from our direct interactions with you on our website, this is for example, when you voluntarily create an account on our website, when you shop with us online through the guest checkout function, or when you sign up to receive our Newsletter, this sign up is optional and you can change your mind at anytime.

We will also collect and process your personal information because you have authorised us to do so for an agreed purpose or/and when you have agreed to the use of cookies by us when you browse our website. Please see our cookies policy below for information about the cookies we use and your rights to opt-out.

Our use of your personal data

We confirm that we will only use your personal data when we are legally allowed to. The following are examples of when must typically, we will use your data:

  • To fulfil the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you to supply the product you have ordered

  • When it is considered to be necessary for our legitimate business interests (or the interests of a third party) but those interests are never overridden by your interests and fundamental rights.

  • Where we need to comply with our legal obligations.

Please contact us if you require further information about circumstances where we may need to use data to comply with our legal obligations.

Generally, we do not rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data although we will get your consent before sending to you any direct marketing communications to you via email, this direct marketing is limited to our newsletter. You do have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time and simply need to contact us in this regard using our Contact Us form and we will cease to send you any marketing materials.

Personal data provided by you or collected via our website, will be used by BCWB for, but not limited to, the fulfilment of our business purposes and our legitimate interests and are typically as follow:

  • To register your account on our website and maintain it

  • To contact you about any order that you have placed

  • To carry out the legitimate administration of our website

  • To keep you informed about our products and our business

  • To process orders, purchases, refunds, payments and other transactions

  • To contact you regarding any order that you have placed with us

  • To respond to your customer service inquiries and ensure that you have all the information that you need following the placing of your order

  • To provide you with information about our products and any future events that we may have but this is only relevant if you have asked us to do so.

  • To notify you of any changes to the site or our goods or services.

  • To permit the proper functioning of our website and improve our offering to you.

  • To ensure that our business operates for the benefit of our customers and aligns with their interests, we may contact you about any upcoming collaborations etc.

We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it and we feel very strongly about that.

In the very unlikely event that we would we need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so and you will be kept fully informed on the process and the legal basis for this.

Put simply, we will use your data responsibly and treat it like we would want our data treated and we will use our best endeavours to ensure that this is the case.

What information do we collect and how is it used?

In the case where you have opted to, we will also use and process your information to send you information about us, which includes our newsletter and may include details of upcoming collaborations and or invitations to our private events, for example sales, social events etc.

We may also collect, use and store personal data including bank and payment details, transaction data such as the products you have purchased, and technical data such as IP addresses, device and browser type, and location data (if applicable). This is done to enhance your shopping experience and enable us to operate more effectively.

You can choose to share more information with us (i.e., birthday, your gender, etc), but this is your own personal choice, you choose what type and level of information that you wish to share with us but we will at all times ensure that we comply with all duties, responsibilities and requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and any/all subsequent legislation so that we ensure that the personal information you give to us is is appropriately secure and processed fairly and lawfully.

We are very mindful of our legal obligations and want to reassure you that we will behave appropriately and correctly with any information that we hold. Data Protection is key to a positive shopping experience and we, as a responsible business have this as our priority.